Tag: Marriage Coaching

This Is What Happens When You Stop Making An Effort…

Posted on June 13th, 2018

How did you picture relationships when you were a kid? Did you imagine the fairy tale of falling in love, making a commitment and living happily ever after? If so, join the club. Disney has a lot to answer for when it comes to preparing kids for real life. Stories about falling in love always […]

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Is addiction killing your marriage?

Posted on June 13th, 2018

I talk a lot about healing from the trauma of a failed marriage, or from the painful things that you and your partner have said and done to each other in the past. But you know what no one can heal from? Injuries that are currently being inflicted on you. Wounds that have salt pouring […]

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Cling On – or let go? Pt3

Posted on May 2nd, 2018

Okay, we’ve now talked about how your relationship dynamic affects your basic needs to feel safe and secure Part One and your psychological need to feel loved and valued Part Two. But what about the top of the pyramid: self-fulfilment?   Self-fulfilment In the grand scheme of things, at least for people from most walks of […]

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Cling on – or let go? Pt2

Posted on May 2nd, 2018

In part 1 of this series, I talked about how all humans have a basic need to feel safe and secure, and how to make sure that you offer that to your partner in ways that are healthy and not controlling or counterproductive. But this is only the tip of the iceberg. Or, in Maslovian […]

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How to turn your marriage around in just 2 days

Posted on March 23rd, 2018

How to turn your marriage around in just 2 days A provocative title indeed. Could be triggering, especially if you are feeling brittle and war-wounded from doing battle with your spouse. Perhaps you are feeling upset and alone in your marriage, misunderstood by your partner or fighting so much that you have lost your connection. […]

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