The Team

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The Naked Recovery Team

Welcome to Naked Recovery. We are committed to getting you past your traumatic life crisis with integrity, power and without unnecessary delay. We know how big and scary trauma is, and we believe we are in a unique position to help you…

Adele Theron - Founder and Lead Trauma Angel - I am a British-South African Trauma specialist and my corporate results-based background and advanced PTSD training, shapes everything we do. Our team dynamic, the services we provide and the breakthrough powerful results that we deliver is what inspires me. Read more about me using the link below

About Adele →

Sally Golding, Trauma Coach - Naked Recovery - I’m a happily married Brit living in South Africa. I have six children including two foster children who are all grown up living amazing lives. I’ve spent 37 years helping people from all backgrounds overcome their life challenges. And I look forward to helping you.

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Valerie Sher, Trauma Coach - Naked Recovery - I am an American Licensed Psychologist and Trauma Angel living in beautiful California. I love empowering others to have great recovery from trauma and look forward to empowering you as well.

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Salli Andrews, Trauma Coach - Naked Recovery - I am a Brit living in Portugal and have a deep background empowering and helping people to overcome setbacks in life. I love empowering others to get back to their best self and looking forward to working with you too!

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Piper Hull - Support Angel - I am an American living in Stockholm, Sweden. I am the Naked Recovery Support Angel supporting our clients to get the help they need.
Lydia Arnold - Social Media - I'm a Kiwi living in New Zealand and take care of all the social media and connection across our groups to inspire and ground people.
Emily Gardner - Financial Accountant Naked Recovery Global - I'm a Brit living in Spain and I look after all the global bookkeeping and accounting across the companies and accounts. We service clients globally, so some of those international transactions get interesting! It's my job to make everything work well.
Philip Hart - Chartered Accountant NZ and Australia business - I'm a Kiwi living in New Zealand and look after all the finance and accounting in Australasia at Naked Recovery.
Geoffrey Kibuuka - Chartered Accountant UK and Global business - I'm Nigerian and live in Streatham London. I've been working with Adele and watched her business grow since it started in 2009. I am a global tax specialist and look after all the finance and accounting outside Australasia and in Naked Recovery Global.
Bryan Schwartz - Web Marketing Lead - I'm an American living outside Los Angeles looking after all the web marketing for Naked Recovery.
Alam Geer - Designer - I'm from Pakistan and am dedicated to produce all the designs and make Adele's products look beautiful across Naked Recovery.
Laura Paterson - Research and Writing - I'm a Zimbabwean living in Cape Town, South Africa doing research and article writing at Naked Recovery.
Ellie Connor - Consultant Trauma Nutritionist - I'm a Kiwi from New Zealand and work with some of Adele's clients looking after their nutrition and health on the holistic and medicalised programs for Naked Recovery.
Jo Rogers - Lawyer. I am a Brit living in London, UK and as founder of Navistar Legal, I take care of any contractual and partnership agreements for Naked Recovery.
Luis Umana - Learning Platforms Developer. I am Brazilian and live in Brisbane, Australia. I work on the online platforms for Naked Recovery
Daniel Robere - Technical Lead - I'm Canadian and live in Calgary and an experienced developer looking after all the technical aspects of Naked Naked Recovery.
Henry Duong - Website Support. I am from Vietnam living in Vinh and I work on Naked Recovery technical items assigned by Daniel.
Teera L - Audio editor - I'm from Thailand and record/edit and produce all clinical hypnotherapy audios and podcasts for Naked Recovery.

What do we Stand for?

Naked Recovery provides real-time rapid solutions to the life crises which develop out of trauma. Our Solutions include real-time online programs, rapid transformation retreats and real-time online coaching programs across a range of traumatic life events. We are known for leaving our customers released from suffering so they are free to begin living their new lives.

What is our Mission?

Our mission is to revolutionise the time-to-heal from emotional traumas to empower everyone to move forward faster. We achieve this by providing effective transformational programs with around-the-clock coaching support on tap. We are known for leaving our customers released from their suffering so they are free to begin living their new lives

What is our Purpose?

We believe that many issues people experience in life have their source in undiagnosed and unprocessed trauma. By finding out what that trauma is and transforming it using powerful coaching techniques, we unlock our true potential as well as our ability to have wonderful relationships in our lives. In addition to empowering people to heal from their past, we aim to inspire more people to stop the cycle of trauma within their families, so the buck stops with them. Our vision is that everyone takes personal responsibility for healing their lives so they have a net positive impact on the rest of the world. Our purpose for being on this planet is to help other people transform their lives and experience a complete magical turnaround. Our mission is that we are masterful coaches and facilitators of profound transformation and turnaround for people, and our dream is to develop the world’s Number 1 service in trauma education and transformation and authority in the management of trauma and transformation. What’s really important to us is to make a difference to others and we are not afraid to get in the trenches with our clients to make this difference.

What is our Approach?

The approach we will follow is that of private detective coaches who are out to solve a crime or a puzzle. We are going to gather evidence, assess it and get to a place of understanding of all of the facts. We see ourselves as forensic scientists working on the puzzle of solving the issues together with our clients in the trenches and not on some high-fallooting pedestal away from people. We are right there with our clients helping them to face every aspect of what they deal with. By the time our work is done, most of our clients are experts on self compassion, self coaching and self regulation. They also totally understand everything to do with their trauma.

Traditional therapeutic solutions out there involve a great deal of time, are unstructured or fluffy, and don’t promise results. So many of our clients got previously stuck in years of therapy or counseling reliving their past, and not recovering at all. The false belief that it takes time to heal emotional wounds is perpetuated by the very people who are supposed to be helping you. And so many people feel disillusioned that there is no road-map for moving through the trauma effortlessly.

Naked Recovery exists to change all that and give people hope and a clear proven structured step-by-step coaching programs to recover from trauma, depending on what program the client chooses to be on, with the support of highly experienced and trained Trauma Angels. The simple fact is, with the tools and techniques available today, and with the right structured approach and support, recovery takes days or weeks – not years. And it’s a tragedy that people suffering great breakup pain don’t know this. And so we’re on a mission to create a movement that helps tens of thousands of people around the world recover from emotional trauma using our RAPID INTERVENTION PERTURBATION TECHNIQUES. Our programs have been developed using proven trauma techniques that have been in existence for over 100 years as well as a breakthrough new scientific approach giving individuals access to those techniques in the comfort of their own home.

Our guiding principles are the compass by which we direct our coaching

Coaching is our essence. It’s where we learn, evolve, love and dance with life.

When we’re all old and grey and sitting in our rocking chairs, we want to be able to look back and be really proud of the business we all helped to create. We think the best way of achieving this is by living the values that are closest to our hearts. Our core values reflect what we are, how we do things, and where we increasingly want to be.

  • Forensic – We are seriously forensic so we wind up knowing you better than you know yourself so we can explain your own actions back to you. We believe that the devil is in the details, so we leave no stone un-turned in examining the nature of your issues in your life. We hunt for breakthroughs and that is part of why we have such a high success rate.
  • Deeply Caring – We love our work. We love every journey that we take with every person. We profoundly love and honour our clients’ journeys and feel like the work that we do with people is sacred and that we are charged with jumping into the trenches with our clients, holding their hand and walking them out of whatever they’re dealing with.
  • Dedicated – We have a total commitment to making a difference and we don’t quit till we get the transformational results we signed up to deliver.
  • Courageous – We take risks. We try new things. We take action. We are not afraid to hear people’s stories. We lean in and do whatever it takes to support our clients to have breakthroughs. We are courageous. We get in the mud with people and walk with them, supporting them to become courageous too.
  • Integrous – It’s not just about being straight trustworthy and true to our word. Integrity is a commitment. We have nothing to hide and we leave no stone uncovered. We don’t tolerate incompleteness. Nothing can shake us. We believe you’ll see our values shine through in everything we do. And we greatly value the chance you’re giving us to help and guide you through your pain to a fresh new and happy life. Integrity underlines our commitment and everything that we do. It’s not a moral commitment: it’s a total commitment to getting you back to feeling whole and complete once more.
  • Compassionate – We see compassion as 2 sides of the coin. There is the empathic, kind and caring compassion which acts like a big hug and then there is the tough-love compassion which is like a swift kick up the ass. Both ultimately are coming from a place of love and great care but we are not afraid to display Ruthless Compassion if it’s needed to help you achieve breakthroughs. It’s a slightly weird term but we are ruthless in our pursuit of compassion for self and others. We care very deeply about our clients getting the results they pay for. As a result, we are not afraid to tell you what you don’t want to hear if it helps you. We will not waste your time in years of therapy. We are here to help you get results fast. This takes a true partnership where we get into your life in a way no one else has before. This ensures we make a massive difference to your life which you will never get over. We are your very best friend you’ve ever had and are not afraid to do what it takes to help you produce the results you want in your life. We are therefore honest with you and do so with loving kindness and total dedication.

“If You Don't Heal What Hurt You, You'll Bleed on People Who Didn't Cut You.”


Get in Touch

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the best in the industry, ask us anything, and we will get back to you…

  • Please check your email, including your spam folder, and your SMS messages within the next 24 hours. Our team will be reaching out to assist you in arranging a convenient time for your FREE Clarity Call.