“You guys are real angels, so helpful”

Last Friday, I googled “working during bad divorce” “FMLA for emotional duress of divorce – depression.” I was scared. I performed a quick sample test on your website and received a full report in my email the next day. I printed and started reading, taking notes, highlighting – I finally feel understood and recognize in me – many of the things written. I truly think I can move on and feel liberated. My life started over after reading that information. I’ve only gotten a few of the complimentary emails but the report has me moving in the right direction. Thank you. I know it’s just the beginning, and I haven’t even had a chance to deal with being alone because he would not leave me alone and has suddenly become father of the year – but I feel resolute in my healing process. I have to heal – I will heal. Thank you for all your help through this!! You guys are real angels.

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