That work is the work that takes the courage to heal ethically, to find the sources of your previous relationship’s break-up or divorce.
So you’ve created a wide-open space – think of it like a clearing in wood or forest, or a blank canvas for an artist to begin to paint. It’s calling for something new to be created there. Now pick up your journal and answer these questions:
When it comes to attracting the partner of your dreams, your unconscious beliefs are more powerful than your everyday thoughts. You cannot re-programme your conscious mind. Your subconscious mind, however, is like a giant computer hard drive that can be programmed with mental software (ie thought patterns and belief systems) to control your thinking.
I can’t have a beautifully loving relationship with my dream partner
For example, if you currently have a mental programme installed in your subconscious mind that says “I can’t have a beautifully loving relationship with my dream partner” or “I never get what I want and I’m not good enough”, your subconscious mind will make sure that you don’t have any opportunities to attract that amazing partner into your life. And even if you consciously want nothing more than to be in an amazing relationship, your subconscious mind can ensure that you sabotage your success.
Until you re-programme your mind to support you attracting your dream partner, your limiting belief systems in your subconscious mind will make you think thoughts that limit what you can attract into your life.
The Naked Divorce Dream Relationship audio programme is an effortless way to attract your dream partner into your life.
Listen to this recording daily for 21 days and see the opportunities that will begin to manifest into your life. This really worked for me and it can work for you too. Find out more about this secret programme by emailing the angels on [email protected].
Sending you a big hug!
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